


當您在 Barkmall 上銷售時,您必須遵守適用於您的產品和列表的聯邦、州和當地方法律以及 Barkmall 政策。


The sale of illegal products, or other products described in our Restricted products policy page, is strictly prohibited, and it is each seller's responsibility to carefully review our policies before listing a product. Sellers must also understand that they are responsible for ensuring that their products comply with all applicable federal and state laws, even if the product is not specifically described in our policies. Laws change frequently, so sellers should monitor regulatory changes regularly and take appropriate action.

We are constantly innovating on behalf of our customers to improve the ways we detect illegal products and products that otherwise violate our policies, and we continually make adjustments to the systems we use to detect these products. On occasion, our systems may remove products that are permitted to be sold on our site. This may occur if there is incomplete or inaccurate product information provided to us or if our systems incorrectly identify a product as restricted. For example, if there is a product with both over-the-counter and prescription versions, we may restrict the product if we are unable to determine which version of the product is being offered. Also note that some products that are legal are still prohibited by our policies. Sellers who believe a product has been removed in error should contact Seller Support, and we will review the product and make any appropriate adjustments to our systems as well as to the seller's account status, as applicable. Please note that moving a restricted product listing to Out of Stock (OOS) does not make the listing compliant. Failure to properly close or delete all restricted product listings from your inventory may result in the removal of your selling privileges. If you think your product was incorrectly identified as a restricted product on Barkmall, close the listing immediately to ensure compliance while you appeal the restriction with Seller Support.

Sellers who violate our policies or applicable law may be subject to enforcement action, which can vary depending on the type of offense and the seller's account history. We consider a variety of factors in the seller's overall account when determining what action to take, including the severity and number of violations and other relevant information. Sellers who have had their selling privileges removed may appeal the decision in most cases. In some situations, we may reinstate a seller if the seller has implemented a robust plan of action that effectively addresses the root causes that led to the violations and will prevent recurrence of those and other violations.

Below are some best practices sellers can follow to aid in compliance with our policies:

  • Do not assume that a product is permitted simply because it is not expressly listed in our "Examples of Prohibited Listings" or has an existing BSIN.

  • Assign one or more employees to be responsible for reviewing each product you plan to sell. This employee should have deep and up-to-date knowledge of the products as well as the industry, including laws applicable to those products.

  • Carefully review our Restricted Products policy, including the "Examples of Prohibited Listings," and your product catalogue on a regular basis. This includes any products that are included in inventory feeds or uploaded using an automated system.

  • If buying inventory from a source other than the manufacturer, apply extra diligence to understand the provenance of the products and the legal framework in which they may be sold.

  • When in doubt about whether a product may be sold, do not list it.

  • If selling drugs or supplements, understand the ingredients in these products and research whether they are permitted.